My little corner of the internet, my humble personal site. Built with SvelteKit. Blog posts in markdown, processed by 600+ lines of TypeScript code to give the polished look you see on any of the blog posts. Designed entirely by hand, no templates used, just the lil designer in my brain

A clone of the amazing Microsoft Todo App for Windows. Built with StencilJS. 100% Keyboard accessible with roving tabindices
Basic CRUD Operations, Reactivity, data is stored in IndexedDB using a Web Worker to minimize the blocking nature of IndexedDB. Themes, both gradients and beautiful background images, with smooth transition.

The official site for Puru Eye Hospital, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. This was the first site I built and deployed online(with a domain). This is the 3rd revision, built in August 2019, the first two being in Angular, were 500kb+ in size, while this one had less than 8kb JS and CSS combined. Images optimized in a similar manner as this blog you're reading.