Jotai: The ultimate React State Management
Jotai is a very new way of State management, and probably the best.
Get the most out of CSS Modules with TypeScript in 5 minutes
If you're a TypeScript Dev, here are a few things you can do to get that sweet, sweet CSS class intellisense
The Zen of Preact's source code
Dive into Preact's source code and explore its simplicity
Why I moved from Styled Components to (S)CSS modules
A little writeup of my reasons behind moving from Styled Components to SCSS modules, and the benefits I got out of this.
Amazing macOS Dock animation in Svelte
Let's make the beautiful macOS Dock animation using Svelte
SERIES Get to know TypeScript
TypeScript tricks
There's a lot about TypeScript that most people don't know. I'll surface some of the "unknown" stuff in this blog post.
Moving React app to Preact
in 10 minutes with Vite
How I moved my 40+ components app from React to Preact in under 10 minutes
SERIES Get to know TypeScript
React TypeScript Hooks issue when returning array
React and TypeScript make up a great pair. But when you're trying to make your own hooks, and returning an array, TypeScript yells at your. Find out why.
SERIES Get to know TypeScript
Using TypeScript without TypeScript 
Wanna use TypeScript but don't want all the compiler and tooling overhead? Read on to know how.
SERIES Get to know TypeScript
An Ode
to TypeScript
TypeScript is cool. Super cool. It's made us Web Dev's life super easy. Read me being a total fanboy about it.
Bye bye Callbacks, hello Promises in NodeJS
Completely get rid of callbacks in NodeJS and replace them with the great Promises.
NodeJS Create folder if not exists in 3 lines - No dependencies
The simplest and dependency-free way to create a folder in NodeJS if it doesn't exist
Simple code with fs.promises and async await
If you've spent some time with Node's fs API, you know how huge a pain its callback based pattern can get. Read out how to flatten your code using promises and async await syntax
Top level Await is AWESOME!! 
Top level await is literally the GOAT (Greatest of All Time). In every way. Read on to know why, how to use it, and its implications
Free Github pro and Perks for Students
Are you a student? Then you better enroll yourself into getting the Github Student Developer Pack. So many great perks. Find out more about it.
Setting up auto-formatting in VSCode in 5 minutes
Set up auto formatting in VSCode in just 5 minutes.
Just some random rant to make myself blog every week
Cleaning up tag-along git commits in Pull Requests
It's easy to submit dirty PRs with unnecessary number of stowaway commits. Learn how to clean this up.
Async Await usage and pitfalls in and chaining
Using async await in array methods is quite tricky. But it gets even trickier when you chain multiple array methods. Find out how.
Simplify code by promisifying `setTimeout`
Simplify and clean your codebase by making setTimeout more idiomatic using Promises
Split Array into `n` number of chunks
Split an array into `n` number of multiple arrays with JavaScript
GIF to MP4 conversion for web using NodeJS
GIF to MP4 conversion for performance is all the rage nowadays. But doing so in practice is really difficult, especially for cross-browser compatibility. Learn how to do it right
SERIES How I created my personal site
Image Optimization Automation with Incremental builds
In this post, I delve deep into how I automated image optimization on my blog.
SERIES How I created my personal site
Blogging with Markdown
In this post, I delve into the details of how I built the blogging with markdown system
SERIES How I created my personal site
Tech Stack & Design
In this post, I delve into the details of the design part of how I built my personal site with StencilJS and what did I use to do so.
Safeguarding target=_blank links
Do you know adding a link with target=_blank has the potential of crashing your page and is very insecure? Find out how and its prevention.
Performantly loading Google Fonts based on Data Saver
Efficiently and Asynchronously load Google Fonts based on Data Saver mode
Web Workers: Intro and Basic Usage
Have you ever heard this term "Web Workers" mentioned somewhere and wondered what the hell is this new thing? let me introduce you to this great tech.
StencilJS Route Change events - Without any dependencies
How to detect route changes in StencilJS Router using the core StencilJS APIs. No dependencies.
Pitfalls when using Stencil Helmet during Prerendering
Stencil Helmet can break the whole app really bad on some occasions, some so random that you might never find out why
My First Blog post
My very first blog post on my very first functional site